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Why Pray?

Prayer is not only our best resource, but our most vital resource not only during difficult times but all the time.  Unfortunately, most will use prayer as the last resort rather than developing and understanding the magnificent gift of a powerful and effective prayer life.

The 3 Dimensions of Prayer

Prayer is so much more than just requesting help in time of need or desire, it it the very means of communicating with our creator God.  The dynamics of prayer are multi-dimensionalsomething that is only understood through experience.

#1 – Dimension of Relationship

Prayer, if understood as a form of two-way dialogue rather than just a list of petitions, opens the door to developing intimacy.   It is the means of developing an intimate relationship with the one and the only Jesus Christ.

#2 – Dimension of Growth

With two-way dialogue with God in the form of the Holy Spirit we grow, we learn, we overcome, and we connect with in unity with others believers in Christ.  It is the venue for learning and growing in our Spiritual walk of faith in God.

intimacy.   It is the means of developing an intimate relationship with the one and the only Jesus Christ.

#3 – Dimension of Ultimate Change

If prayer as a means of connecting with God and with other Believers in Christ around the world we become the body of Believers –one True Church which is ultimately God’s purpose and plan.  It is the very means of changing our world!

True Power of Prayer

This is exactly what is happening in our world today as laid out in Bible prophecy.  The Bible if understood through the power of the Holy Spirit, that Divine connection as the result of prayer, then we recognize that each piece of God’s master plan is coming together, including our own individual part.  We have nothing to fear and everything to gain simply by understanding the true power of prayer.



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