Time, Talents, and Treasures

More valuable than anything we possess is our time. It only goes around once for each life that exists in this world. How we use it has an external impact on each of us and for those around us.
As a Believer in Jesus Christ, like Him, we use our time in prayer to know the Lord intimately in every area of our lives.
Give this most precious gift that God gave us back to Him by spending TIME with Him every day. The impact on your life, as well as others, is more valuable than you can ever imagine.
As a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth.
Ephesians 1:10
Get on the list for notice of upcoming online groups or register as group meeting become available on Restoration, Power of Prayer, Deliverance, Life Recovery Bible Study and more to come. CONNECT with others who give of their TIME in fellowship with God and with each other.
Created in God’s own image we are uniquely created by Him for His purposes and unfolding plan. Your life makes a difference!
The ripple effect of your choices has a far-reaching impact both now and for eternity for the Kingdom of God. As we surrender our lives and our wills to the guidance of the Holy Spirit we move from the “old man to the new man.”
Invest the TALENTS that God has given you, wisely.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
Your talents are needed from small things, to leading groups, to developing your personal calling for the Kingdom of God. God molds and shapes you by the Spirit of His Love into all He has called us to be in this temporal world. Give to Him the TALENTS He given to you. Begin by simply VOLUNTEERING.
Limitless treasures beyond our finite understanding and imaginations await those who belong to Jesus Christ. As true Believers, we are co-heirs with Christ in God's inheritance for eternity.
The treasures of this temporary world are fleeting but in Heaven, our treasures are eternal lasting forever. An inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you (1 Peter 1:4).
Build your upon your treasures in this world to gain the your TREASURES in the next.
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Matthew 6:19-20
For the purposes of supporting God's Kingdom, from a heart filled with God's perfect love of what He has given you in provisions, give back to Him. Support this global online ministry and the growing missions it supports around the world.
Who are we?
Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc (GNBM.org) is a faith-based Christian global online ministry 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2007 dedicated to spreading the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through modern multimedia technology. In 2016 Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc founded and now sponsors Prayer Warriors 365 (PW365.org) which is provides LIVE online meetings in Christian Restoration and on the Power of Prayer leading to powerful Intercessory Prayer Warriors around the world.
To provide interactive online restoration, teaching on the power of prayer, and spreading the good news gospel as ascribed in The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) through global modern multimedia communication technology one person-at-a-time, one-day-at-a-time!
Prayer is not only asking but an attitude of the mind which produces the atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural. “Ask, and it will be given to you…” (Matthew 7:7)
Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest
God’s Promises
Seeking Jesus with all of your heart through prayer guarantees:
- Revelation knowledge, Spiritual wisdom, and understanding. James 1:5. Col. 1:9
- Freedom from whatever is weighing you down. Matthew 11:28-30
- Truly abundant life now and forever. John 10:10
- Deliverance from all bondages and strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
- Salvation for loved ones. 1 John 5:14-15
- A strong foundation of the kind of faith that moves mountains. Matthew 17:20
- Major changes in families, communities, and nations. Mark 11:24
- God’s mighty hand of protection. Psalm 91
- Health, healing, prosperity. abundant peace and security. Jeremiah 33:6, 29:11
- God’s unconditional love that fills our void to overflowing. John 3:16
…and so much more.
Get in Touch
Get Involved
Restoration & The Power of Prayer online group meetings are being formed connecting with others around the world finding true freedom, deliverance, and powerful intercessory prayer.
PO Box 161
Shiner, Texas 77984