“Come Follow Me”


The following are short testimonies of Restoration & Power of Prayer.  Full versions of our testimonies of healing, deliverance, and true freedom are available to participants of the group as a witness to God’s grace, mercy, and unconditional love in our lives.

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36

Regina M. Dick (short version)

“I have been involved with Christian Step Study groups for almost 20 years finding and sharing with others incredible freedom in Jesus Christ. Taking recovery to the next level of complete restoration for an incredibly powerful prayer life that has moved mountains in my personal life and in the lives of others. 


Taking this blessing of intercessory prayer in our groups is taking down the powers and principalities we once fear, now we overcome through Christ Jesus.” 


Beth Matsuda (short version)

My Restoration journey began shortly after a series of events brought me to a place of realizing that nothing was working as far as putting my trust in man. I wanted to know Christ deeper and come to that place of contentment that Paul spoke of in Philippians 4, and I desperately wanted companions who were searching for that same peace to journey with me! The Lord brought me to this ministry, and oh what a journey it has been! There is no doubt the Lord brought me here! Come along with us and see where the Lord Jesus Christ will lead you!

Bren Glover (short version)

“I have been a Christian for most of my life. Through all life’s ups and downs, I have relied upon Jesus’ grace & love to keep me safe. I lost my way at times; however, after RPoP Step Study, I am now on my feet. I can seek Him with all my strength. He is always waiting & willing to rescue us. I have ministered in Deliverance and know how important it is to have clean hands & clean heart to serve the Lord & sit at His feet in unspeakable joy.

We will walk together on Freedom Road through Restoration & Prayer Step Study. It is a powerful life-changing tool & one you will never regret doing.”


Cynthia Persis (short version)

“I have been a Christian from the age of 17 but never really understood the relationship that I could have with Jesus until I turned 25, when I battled depression. 

Two years later, the walls that separated me from seeing the truth in God have broken down.

I found without a doubt that no matter how troubling despair comes creeping in, my soul always finds hope inside Jesus.

I pray for those that are facing difficult times to find their freedom in Jesus Christ.”

“As God prepares the Body of Christ for the end times, He is doing a work of restoration among His people in His Church. The Result will be a Church that is renewed, unified, equipped and empowered to go forth and fulfill the task God has committed to His people.”

Derek Prince (1915-2003) from his book "Spiritual Warfare - For the End Times"

Who are we?

Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc (GNBM.org) is a faith-based Christian global online ministry 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2007 dedicated to spreading the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through modern multimedia technology.   In 2016 Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc founded and now sponsors Prayer Warriors 365 (PW365.org) which is provides LIVE  online meetings in Christian Restoration and on the Power of Prayer leading to powerful Intercessory Prayer Warriors around the world.


To provide interactive online restoration, teaching on the power of prayer, and spreading the good news gospel as ascribed in The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) through global modern multimedia communication technology one person-at-a-time, one-day-at-a-time!

Prayer is not only asking but an attitude of the mind which produces the atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural. “Ask, and it will be given to you…” (Matthew 7:7)

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest

Get in Touch

Get Involved

Restoration & The Power of Prayer online group meetings are being formed connecting with others around the world finding true freedom, deliverance, and powerful intercessory prayer.  

PO Box 161
Shiner, Texas 77984

Email Us: Contact@PrayerWarriors365.com

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