The battle begins in the mind and defeating the Enemy takes a daily renewal of the mind. This renewal means a change of perspective, and the only perspective that can both discern the battle and overcome in victory is the mind of Christ.
Our submission to and focus on the Holy Spirit’s prompting is the only clear path that will bring us─ and those around us ─out of the Pit of destruction and death.
“…take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
Dr. Paul Hegstrom Story
Resources For This Message
You will be provided a copy of the SlideDeck of the PowerPoint presentation each week in PDF format. The following is the Slide Deck for this week (Click the Title below to Download):
011 – The Helmet – Re-wiring the Brain SlideDeck
Dr. Paul Hegstrom Story on Vimeo
Restoration & Power of Prayer is presented along with Celebrate Recovery Participant guides 1 through 4, which are available at RPoP Resources.
Groups and LIVE Meetings
We are currently holding the following meetings offline:
Restoration & Power of Prayer
WHEN: Start Date: Saturday, May 4. 2023 (2:30 PM CST)
Continues weekly until completed
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
6865 Poplar Ave.
Memphis, TN 38119
Contact: Nancy Bergeron (901) 357-1855
The Prayer:
We have included prayers for your use. We suggest that you make them your own and learn to talk with the Lord through prayer.
Click the title for your copy of this Spiritual Warfare Prayer:
Instrument of Peace Spiritual Warfare Prayer eBook
We GIVE because our Father first GAVE to us, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Our growing global ministry GIVES of our Time, our Talents, and our Treasures to serve you and others freely.
Our mission field is Cyberspace. We aim to continue expanding our outreach around the world, support the teams involved, and keep up with the technology. Your support supports others!
Regina M. Dick
Director of Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia facilitating the Prayer Warriors 365 series.
012 -Helmet of Salvation (Renewal of the Mind)
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2