Prayer Warriors 365 in Training Package
1st-of-a-kind Interactive Video Teaching Series
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Prayer is the "Calling" of all true born-again Believers in Jesus Christ.
As a born-again Believer in Jesus Christ, prayer is your first and utmost calling. It is dialogue with God and a building of intimacy that nothing else in this world can or will offer. By the very nature of this intimacy it is complete and continual communion with God in covenant with Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer is two-way dialogue with God bringing intimacy that cannot be achieved any other way.
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow me. John 10:27
As a result of this intimacy with God a relationship of trust in Him develops. With the supernatural trust in God, we as true Believers, are lead into the kind of faith that move mountains in our lives and the lives of others through our prayers. Then we become effective in our prayer life, in our walk with the Lord, in the lives of others, and for His Kingdom manifesting in this world now and forever. This is God's purpose and plan!
The Vital Purpose of Prayer
In the New King James Version (NKJV), it says in Philippians 4: 6-7 this about prayer:
Be anxious for nothing (this means do not worry about anything), but in everything (not just some things) by prayer and supplication (the act of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly), with thanksgiving (thankful for all God has done whether we understand it or not), let your request be known to God (action step: communicate-talk with God and keep talking), and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding (a peace that is totally beyond our comprehension comes upon you because it is directly from God), will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (you are becoming totally intimate with God through a one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ).
This is the only way to build a relationship with God which produces complete trust and faith in HIm. The Ultimate Love Affair that only God's perfect unconditional Agape Love can provide. This meets all the commands Jesus proclaimed, because it is only through Him that it is possible.
Prayer Ushers in The Abundant Life
Prayer as communion with God meets all the commands Jesus required of His followers. Because this Holy Spirit-empowered communion brings the renewal of the mind, the complete fulfillment of the heart, the peace that surpasses all understanding, the joy that knows no bounds, and the love that fills the void to overflowing.
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him... 1 John 4:7-9
Remember, Jesus already won on Calvary --He is the Head. As true believers, we are His body, walking this journey out in complete victory individually and collectively through the power of the Holy Spirit. For the battle belongs to God!
We began with perfect love, we will end with love perfected. God's Agape Love.

⇒Downloadable Prayers (meant only get you started with your own personal prayers)
⇒Recommended Daily Proclamations (keep standing for yourself, your family, your brothers and sisters in Christ)
⇒Slide Deck of each Video Teaching
⇒Notice of Live Meetings for Prayer Warriors
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Pathway Out of the Pit eBook
The Personal Journey - the unfolding testimony of a fellow Believers personal intimate walk with Jesus Christ.
This book is designed to assist those of us who are currently in, trying to climb out of, or do not even realize they are in “The Pit.” The Pit can be described as a deep dark hole, a void, the abyss, often a self-imposed prison, with an overwhelming sense of no escape. Both believers of Christ and non-believers have or will experience the Pit in one form or another, varying in length and intensity. Others, maybe friends or even entire families, may be in the Pit with us. The reasons for being in this Pit can also vary from making wrong choices in life to merely circumstantial. The key is the way out.
The Pit, itself, is nothing more than a lie straight from the enemy’s camp. This deception is intended to kill, steal and destroy everything you hold dear in life and beyond. For some, we remain all of their lives in this Pit and oftentimes bring others into it along with us. Others have not quite recognized they are in a Pit, they remain blind. They just know that their lives have become totally unmanageable around them and they just cannot explain how, when or why. Even when we get to the point of surrender, allowing the Holy Spirit into our lives, we cannot seem to recognize the path right in front of us. Because we do have free will, it is a continual ongoing daily matter of choosing to remain or to climb out. It is a daily intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Within these pages are intimate life passages, designed to testify as a witness to God’s great love and mercy. For those who are currently experiencing trials and tribulations that just seem overwhelming, for you this book was written. You are not alone, there are many individuals in this time in history that are being tested and refined to almost what seems like the breaking point. For God’s own purposes, it is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff, so how do you stand?