Armor of God Spiritual Warfare eBook

Put on the Whole Armor of God each day as you proclaim this prayer. This Spiritual Warfare eBook digital download is viewable on desktop, laptop, notepad, & mobile devices. For the one-page printable version click here!
From Prayer Warriors 365, this powerful eBook of daily proclamations brings light into darkness as you get equipped each day in fighting the Good Fight of Faith in Jesus Christ one-day-at-time!
Recommended daily proclamations as you Armor Up in truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the Truth!
For your donation of $10 or more to help support our growing Restoration & Power of Prayer groups around the world click the button below for your Digital eBook.
Who are we?
Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc ( is a faith-based Christian global online ministry 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2007 dedicated to spreading the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through modern multimedia technology. In 2016 Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc founded and now sponsors Prayer Warriors 365 ( which is provides LIVE online meetings in Christian Restoration and on the Power of Prayer leading to powerful Intercessory Prayer Warriors around the world.
To provide interactive online restoration, teaching on the power of prayer, and spreading the good news gospel as ascribed in The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) through global modern multimedia communication technology one person-at-a-time, one-day-at-a-time!
News & Updates
Divine Road Map Through Frustration
The world defines frustration as feelings of expression and annoyance because of inability to change or achieve something…Yet by Divine design frustration is merely a gateway…
Why Pray? 3 Dimensions of Prayer
Prayer is not only our best resource, but our most vital resource not only during difficult times but all the time.
The Courage to Face Hardship – Carter Conlon
May 24, 2015 – TImes Square Church – Carter Conlon video sermon. As the church of Jesus Christ it is important that we stand for the truth. We are not to be entangled with the world or live in mixture. We are called to reach out and help the powerless. It is an amazing journey when we choose to trust God for the strength to do it.

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Restoration & The Power of Prayer online group meetings are being formed connecting with others around the world finding true freedom, deliverance, and powerful intercessory prayer.
PO Box 161
Shiner, Texas 77984