10 Days of Awe 2024
Hosted by
Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc.
& Prayer Warriors 365
Global Christian Prayer Event
October 2nd – October 12th, 2024
10 Days of Awe Prayer Event 2024
(This Event is closed until we reopen in August 2025)
Our global online ministry, Prayer Warriors 365, and Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc., are teaming up with 10days.net for our 6th annual days of fasting and prayer event. This significant event, which starts the evening of October 2, 2024, and ends the evening of October 12, 2022, is a crucial opportunity for us to come together in prayer.
We look forward to all those worldwide joining together in prayer for our world these days. We invite you to be part of this global movement for change. Your participation makes a difference creating a ripple impact of powerful prayer taking down powers and principalities. This the REAL battle and how we as prayer warriors fight the “Good Fight” in Spiritual Warfare!
For a Time Conversion Calculator, CLICK HERE to enter your location for your correct time.
If you cannot participate with the Prayer Warriors 365 team at our time, you can connect to 10days.net.
There will be online 24/7 for the entire 10 days, and offline groups all around the world will be available.

What are the 10 Days of Awe?
10 Days of Awe is framed by the biblical festivals of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This 10 day period from the “Feast (Day) of Trumpets” to the “Feast (Day) of Atonement” is traditionally called the “Days of Awe.” 10 Days begins and ends with evening gatherings, it includes parts of 11 calendar days, and lasts a total of 10 24-hour periods.
These feasts are an essential part of our Biblical tradition—as Colossians says, “They are shadows of things to come, and Jesus Christ is their fulfillment.” They also provide a powerful connection to the Jewish roots of the faith and the Messianic Jewish side of the family. Prophetically, the three fall feasts speak of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Why do we pray during 10 Days of Awe?
10 Days of Awe or “ten days of repentance (change)” is we where have an incredible opportunity to come together in a united front around the world in prayer for our lives, our families, our communities, our nations, and the world.
Intercessory prayer before God will move mountains by taking down powers and principalities, overcoming whatever we may encounter these days. This IS Spiritual Warfare where the battles are won!
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. Ephesians 6:12 AMP
ARMOR UP Prayer Warriors! This is your opportunity to come together in prayer for change and walk in victory all for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ.
Zoom Room Meeting
The following link will help determine your time zone at Timeanddate.com.
You will be receiving emails with the Zoom room information beginning one day before the event and then each day thereafter. So be sure to check your email.
Topic: PW365 – 10 DAYS OF AWE 2024 Global Online Prayer Event
START Date & Time: October 2, 2024, 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every day until October 11/12, 2024, 10 occurrence(s).
Please register on the form above to get the Zoom room invitation!
What is the 10 Days of Awe?
What is 10 Days? What would it look like if you took 10 Days and gave them completely to God, setting aside normal patterns of life, work, school, and entertainment? How would it look if your family, your church, and your entire city did the same?
Our 2024 Prayer Guide for September 15-25 is now available. Download your guide in English here.
10 Days of Awe 2024 Prayer Guide
“…For Such a Time as This” Ester 4:14
Moments arise when individuals and groups of people empowered by the Holy Spirit are called for such a time as this to rise up as one, lift our voices, and stand for righteousness amid moral decay, political corruption, and societal decline. God urges Jesus followers to refuse silence and complacency, to grasp the hour’s urgency, knowing our prayers and actions can change history and leave a lasting impact.
Litany of Praise and Worship
Upon entering the Throne Room, appearing before God in praise, worship, adoration, and thanksgiving, we pray in unity as the body of Believers for our petitions and stand in His promises, declaring and decreeing for our world.
PW365 Declarations & Decrees
Prayer Warriors 365 Declarations and Decrees we will be standing in each day.
Download here or click the image for your copy.
This gives you a better understanding of taking authority in who we are in Christ as we fight the “good fight of faith” for our world today!
PW365 Petitions 2023
Prayer Warriors 365 petitions we are bringing up before the Lord for this year, 2024. You can download the guide by clicking this link or the image above.
Our Prayer Warriors 365 online group will be going through different global petitions each day for the 10 days.
PW365 Prayer Focus Wall
Prayer Warriors 365 has an ongoing PRAYER FOCUS WALL that Prayer Warriors have committed to praying each day for our lives, our families, our communities, our churches, our nations, and the world.
We would like to bring these petitions up before the Lord for this year’s 10 Days of Awe 2024. You can download the Prayer Focus Wall Prayers by clicking this link or the image above.
10 Days of Awe 2020
Washington Mall – Jonathan Cahn
September 2020
Jonathan Cahn addressed the enormous crowd of Christians on the Washington Mall last year in 2020 at the end of the 10 Days of Awe on Yom Kippur. He provided a powerful Biblically prophetic message for the United States that resonates throughout the world to this day.
Along with numerous pastors and Christian speakers at the event, he provided a look at where we were at and what could be the break in our covering if we failed to step up in faith and powerful intercessory prayer.
Jonathan’s prophetic warning to the US and the world is timely, and even more so one year later, a MUST SEE VIDEO!